About Me

Thank you so much for stopping by Spicy-Aroma. I appreciate your interest in knowing me. My name is Poonam. I am software engineer and ...

Thank you so much for stopping by Spicy-Aroma. I appreciate your interest in knowing me. My name is Poonam. I am software engineer and food blogger who loves to cook and eat. I am from small city in west Maharashtra (Sangli district). I got married in Dec 2010 and then shifted to Montreal, Canada. I started my blog Kande Pohe in Oct 2011, later on I transferred it to my own domain Spicy-Aroma. It was intended to keep all my experiments in kitchen in one place so that I can refer it whenever needed. But now it got bigger than I’ve ever imagined.

My cooking adventure began after my marriage, far away from India and my mom’s delicious food. My mom is an excellent cook. I used to watch my mom cooking delicious food, but I hardly cooked any dish before my marriage.I used to watch many cookery shows and used to ask my mom to make dishes for me, but I never felt like taking effort to cook something myself. :P

My husband had suffered a lot by my cooking experiments in early days. Then I took cooking bit seriously. I browsed many blogs, videos and spent hours and hours on phone discussing recipes with my mom. In couple of week, I started to cook something nice edible and started to get appreciations from my hubby.  I am very thankful to my lovely hubby, who inspires me a lot. We both are die hard foodie and movie buff. We love to eat spicy food and watch Bollywood movies. I think this is something that tied our relationship so tight. ;)

When I started my first blog, I had little idea that blogging would take off like it did, and now I enjoy cooking and blogging like anything. I get to interact with different people all across the world; it’s been wonderful journey and quite a learning experience for me.  I made some wonderful friends along this journey and I look forward to get many more friends who share the same passion. Living in Montreal for more than 1 year has changed me immensely in many ways. I got plenty of time to explore myself. I spent lot of time in learning new recipes, experimenting in kitchen and learning web designing.

I hope you will get hungry by seeing pictures on this blog and it will inspire you to cook. :D Do try my recipes and send me your feedback and pictures of dishes you made. I will share those pictures on my Facebook page.

About Recipes and Pictures

All the recipes on this site are my own and all photographs are taken by me. You may not copy or otherwise reproduce any of this material without prior written permission. All rights are reserved. If you want to use any of pictures or content from my site, please ask me first. I have put lot of time and efforts in taking the pictures and writing the recipes. It really hurts, when I see my pictures are being used without my knowledge. :(

My Other Blogs and Websites

I got many messages from my loyal readers and friends to post Maharashtrian recipes in Marathi. Hence, I decided to start new website, just for Maharashtrian recipes. You will find here all the Maharashtrian recipes with step by step pictures. I am also going to add recipes in marathi soon. Do visit Maharashtrian Recipes Online and let me know your views and suggestions.

I run another website called Blissful Stuff, where I explore my creativity.

I've also started my cooking channel on YouTube recently where you can find many delicious recipes and some interesting stuff. Please visit and subscribe to my channel. Here is the link - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpO-6n4epEnK-UVG-KLRSqA

Just want to say Hello?

Comments are always welcome and appreciated. It feels great to hear from you guys. If you have any question or suggestion or you want to request a new recipe or just want to say Hello; feel free to contact me.

My Facebook Page - Spicy-Aroma Facebook Page
My email id - poonamborkar@spicy-aroma.com

I again thank you for stopping by, I hope you will have great time browsing my delicious site. Happy Cooking. Enjoy! :)

Post a Comment

  1. Hi, Congrats on your amazing and yummy collection of recipes which you brought together in your website, and for sharing it.
    I love cooking. I had tried a few veg-recipes from your site and those were too good. My daughter who usually don't touch curries with bit masala in it, also liked and enjoyed eating it :-).

    Will try some deserts from your collection and will let you know. All the best.


  2. hey hi poonam....kashi ahes...?
    tu khup chaan kam kelas...pan fish receipe 2 ch ahet....tya jar wadhlya tar khup chaan hoeill....

  3. Hi poonam, thanks for ur blog. I have tried some of ur recipes, it was really very nice and very easy to cook with good taste. My hubby and inlaws were impressed on me.

    Thanks for all !

  4. Wow, master-chef... its a nice guidebook for beginner too.
    Thanks for sharing
    well done
    keep it up

  5. Hi Poonam- loved your capsicum besan sabzi- thanks :)
    Happy cooking !

  6. Hi Poonam very Nice Recepies. I'm a big foodie myself, I love cooking for my wife. Tujhya recepies khup sundar hotya, specially aapla Saoji Rassa. Keep it up. Please post more Nagpuri Recepies.

  7. Love the blog! Come find us on www.spicekitchenuk.com also. Would love to share recipes and even send you some spices from our HQ in the UK.

  8. Plz upload more maharastrian recipe videos......

  9. Plz post more maharastrian recipe videos.....

  10. Wow you look so young and you're already married and such a good cook? :P I'm just in the beginning of learning how to cook, but I will certainly take inspiration from your amazing recipes! Keep up great work and thumbs up for you. :)
    Have a nice day!

  11. Wow you look so young and you're already married and such a good cook? :P I'm just in the beginning of learning how to cook, but I will certainly take inspiration from your amazing recipes! Keep up great work and thumbs up for you. :)
    Have a nice day!



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